You can find all the filters below which are provided by Permalinks Customizer plugin. These filters can be used as per your Website requirement.
Exclude Permalinks
If you want to exclude some Permalink to processed with the plugin so, just add the filter looks like this:
function yasglobal_exclude_url( $permalink ) {
if ( false !== strpos( $permalink, '/contact-us/' ) ) {
return '__true';
add_filter( 'permalinks_customizer_exclude_request', 'yasglobal_exclude_url' );
Show Relative Permalink/URL
To show relative permalink/url in Edit Post, add this filter in your themes functions.php
add_filter( 'permalinks_customizer_remove_home_url', '__return_true' );
Exclude PostType from the Plugin
To exclude the plugin to be worked on any PostType. Add this filter in your themes functions.php
function yasglobal_exclude_post_types( $post_type ) {
if ( $post_type == 'page' ) {
return '__true';
return '__false';
add_filter( 'permalinks_customizer_exclude_post_type', 'yasglobal_exclude_post_types');
Note: Plugin stops working on the backend. No more permalinks would be generated by the plugin but the permalink which is already created will remains in work.
Disable automatically create redirects
To disable automatically create redirects feature on creating and updating the post/pages/categories, add this filter in your themes functions.php
add_filter( 'permalinks_customizer_auto_created_redirects', '__return_false');
This filter stops to be creating new redirects but existed redirects keeps working. To stop existed redirects, add this filter.
Disable Redirects
To disable redirects to be applied, add this filter in your themes functions.php
add_filter( 'permalinks_customizer_disable_redirects', '__return_false');
This filter only stops redirects to be work but the automatically create redirects still works. To stop automatically create redirects feature add this filter.